Pilar was born in Obeso (Cantabria) and lived in Santander for the first 20 years.
She currently lives in Paris, since 1999.
Bachelor of Arts, Central University of Barcelona, Spain.
She settles in Italy, Florence.
Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts: School of Fine arts in Florence. Silvio Loffredo`s and Gian Carlo Caldini`s school. Italy (1981)
Stay in Cairo: Laurea thesis in the Al-Ashar University of Cairo, Egypt: on “The fresh Omeyas in the Qusar` Amra caliphate Palace. Jordanian desert” directed by Rolando Cristofanelli and Vittoria Corti.
Holy Reparata Engraving School (with Giuseppe Gattuso Lo Monte). Florence. Works with the Gamarra Garrigues`s gallery in Madrid.(1982)
1989/91 she moves to London: being selected by the Delfina Studios Trust Foundation, to live in London, England. She comes back from England to Madrid for several months and then goes back to Italy.
1991-92 she receives the Rome Prize. Painting specialty. Residence in the Academy of Spain ( Fine Arts, Architecture and Archaeology) in Rome. State Department. Italy.
1992 she got in touch with Paolo Tonin Gallery in Turin, Italy.
1994/1999 she lives in Turin, Italy.
2000 she moves to live in Paris: where she works with the Weiller Gallery and with the Artemisia Gallery. Paris.
In 2006 she starts working with the Juan Silió’s Santander Gallery.
2010. She lives between Paris-Turín-Madrid.
Santander- Cantabria- España
* Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Collection, Madrid, Spain.
* Delfina Studios Trust Foundation, London, England.
* Marcelino Botin.Foundation Santander, Spain.
* Pinacoteca of Subiaco, St. Scholastica Monastery, Rome, Italy.
* Tihomir Miler Collection, Lugano, Switzerland.
* Amrouche Collection Pierre. Paris. France.
* Ports Collection (Department Minystry of Public Works), Madrid, Spain.
* Spanish Academy of Fine Arts in Rome, Architecture and Archaeology. Rome, Italy
* Academy of Fine Arts, Florence, Italy.
* Los Bragales Art contemporain Collection-Spain.
* Civic Museum, Sassoferrato, Ancona, Italy.
* Spinetto Abbey,Collection, Sarteano, Siena, Italy.
* Collection Mugar, Boston University, Boston, USA.
* Communal Gallery of Modern Art in San Gimignano, Siena, Italy.
* Carol Goldberg Collection, New York, USA.
* Museum of the Royal Academy of Fine Arts de San Fernando, Madrid, Spain.
* Collection Port of Santander, Spain.
* North Collection, Government of Cantabria, Santander. Spain.
* Foundation Marcelino Botin. Santander, Spain.
* Setelsa Art Collection, Cantabria. Spain.
* Hergom Industries Collection, Cantabria, Spain.
* King’s College Foundation, Alcalá de Henares, Madrid, Spain.
* “Time in Jazz” Collection – Berchidda (SS), Italy.
* Canary Association Friends of Contemporary Art, Santa Cruz de Tenerife, Spain.
* International Music Festival of Santander (FIS), Spain
* Fine Arts, Museum Santander, Spain.
* Ministery of Culture, Government of Cantabria, Santander, Spain.
* Caja Cantabria Collection, Santander, Spain.
* Collection North. Government of Cantabria. Santander. Spain.
* Adelphi Collection. Padua, Italy.
* Pina’s Collection Naples, Italy.
* Entrecanales Delfina Collection, London, England.
* Michel Steinberger Collection. Los Angeles. USA.
* Weiser Collection. Brussels. Belgium.
* Institute of Culture, Spanish, Naples, Italy.
* Benero-Floride Collection – Paris. France.
* Ifitry Museum Contemporary Art , Essaouira. Maroc
* Tower Theater. Miami. USA.
* Delfina Studios Trust Foundation, London, England
under the horses- photo M.Alemany
under the horses- photo M.Alemany
* 1976 Grant from the Cantabria Provincial Council to study in the Florence School of Fine Arts. Italy.)
* 1980 Academy of Fine Arts in Florence and Al-Azhar University of Cairo:
* Making the Thesis “Fresh Umayyad Caliphate in the palace of Qusayr’Amra desert of Jordan.” (directed by Rolando Cristofanelli and Vittoria Corti : School of Fine Arts in Florence)
* School of Engraving 1981 S. Reparata. With Giussepe Gattusso Lomonte. Florence. Italy.
* First Painting Prize 1987 “Piccola Europe”, University of Urbino, Italy.
* 1988/90 The Delfina Studios Residence Trust, London, England.
* 1991/92 Prix of Rome. Residence in the School of Fine Arts in Rome, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Rome, Italy.
* 1995 She make a mural for the Festival of Jazz , in Berchidda, SS. Italy.
* 2002 Ministry of Industry and Environment: Sculpture, Ecological Project for all the municipalities of Spain.
» 2012 -13 Ifitry International Artis Residence- Essaouira /Maroc
1990 Open Studios. Delfina Studio Trust Foundation. London, Ingraterra.
1992 Ferrovie 1 (railways 1), Academy of Spain in Rome, Fine Arts, Architecture and Archaeology. Italy
1993, Ferrovie (The railways) -Fundación Marcelino Botin, Santander, Spain.
1994 Turin, Turin, Galleria Paolo Tonin, Turin, Italy.
1995 From an empty point, Room Robayera, Miengo, Cantabria, Spain.
Time in Jazz 1995
, Jazz Festival, Berchidda, Sardinia, Italy.
1995 Da un punto di vuoto ( from an empty point) , Galleria Dante Due, Padua, Italy (with the collaboration of Paolo Fresu, Jazz musician).
Inexhaustible Palace
1996, Siboney Gallery, Santander, Spain.
1997 Exhibition and Book presentation Riverside, Galleria Paolo Tonin, Turin, Italy. Nadia Fusini and Juan Manuel Bonet texte. Presented by D. Javier Lopez Marcano: Minister of Culture, Government of Cantabria and Francesco Poli.
1997 May Moré Gallery, Madrid, Spain.
1998 Jouissance, Spazio Replay, Monte Carlo, Monaco. Presentation of Nadia Fusini.
1999 Galleria Adelphi, Padua, Italy (Giorgio Jazz Concert and Luca Pavan Xodo). Presentation of Edoardo di Mauro.
2000 Alto Mare. Siboney Gallery. Santander. Text Mariano Navarro.
Suite 2000, Muriedas Mauro Gallery, Torrelavega, Cantabria, Test:Juan Manuel Bonet , F. Zamanillo and Francesco Poly (musical project of Paolo Fresu, Furio di Castri and Antonello Salis: Jazz).
2001, Installation, Anciens Bâtiments Municipaux , Sens, France.
2001 L’instant
dwelt, Weiller Galerie, Paris, France.
2001 Mad for Art – Chiaro di luna.CNF, Torrelavega, Cantabria.
2002 Coin d’Air, Weiller Gallerie, Paris, France. Presentation of Daniel Soutif.
2002 Coin d’Air, Abbazia di Spinetto, Sarteano, Siena, Italy (Paolo Fresu musical project, whit Furio di Castri and Antonello Salis: Jazz).
2002 Mad for art, National Center of Photography, Torrelavega, Cantabria. Daniel Soutif text.
Chiaro di luna
2002, University of León, Ateneo Albeitar.
2002 Les années
Tuscany, Galerie AL / MA Montpellier, France.
2003 Pianura, Embarcadero Palace, Santander. Port Authority. Sponsored by Delfina Entrecanales. texts of Paolo Fresu and Fernando Francés.
2004, Eagle Homes and Parra. Santillana del Mar. Cantabria. Spain. Texts Georges Benero and Francis Duprè
2005 Via Crucis
Weber Gallery, Turin and Santuario di San Romedio, Sanzeno (Trento), Italy.
2005 From an empty spot, Ateneo Albéitar, University of León, Spain. Text Javier Hernando.
Artemisia Gallery
2005. Paris.
2006. Museum of Fine Arts. Santander, Spain. Daniel Soutif text.
2006 Fleur de Prunier, Artemisia Gallery. Paris. France.
2006 Les années
Tuscany -Juan Silió Gallery. Santander.
2006 The Salt Gallery
PaoloTonin ArteContemporáneo. Turin, Italy. Presentation of Daniel Soutif.
2006 Voragine, Mauro Sala Muriedas. Torrelavega, Cantabria. Text Javier Hernando.
2007 Museum, Trento, Italy.
2007 Gallery
Paolo Tonin, ArteContemporáneo, Turin, Italy.
2007 Project for
frescoed refectory of the Monastery of Subiaco (Rome), Italy.
2008 Del Sentire. Palace of Caja Cantabria, , Santillana del Mar. Cantabria. Catalog book anthology.
2008 The Dance Leçon – A. Athena, Atelier du Lavoir. Sarlat. France. Text Francis Dupré.
2008 SUITE II. Argüeso Castle. With project Furio di Castri music. Cantabria. Spain. Daniel Soutif Text and LO. Vernier.
2010 Napoli
memory and forgetfulnes . Cervantes Institut. Naples. Italy. Several texts. Exhibition held in collaboration with the Government of Cantabria. Ministry of Culture.
2010 The Leçon
Dance, Tower Theater, Miami-USA.
2010 Guest Artist at the fifteenth anniversary of the International Festival of Ballet and Dance Miami. Making the Festival Poster and the mural of the festival.
2010 Rêve. Cervantes Institute. Beirut. Lebanon. Text Eduardo Calvo, among others.
2010 Cassorati (tribute). Comune di marentino. Turin, Italy.
2011 Espace Captif- Gallery Juan Silió
. ” Santander. Spain.
2011 La danza dei cavalli nel limitar della notte (the dance of the horses on the edge of night) – Spineto Abbey.Sarteano, Siena. Italy.
2014 «Honey, drawing in the desert sand», Juan Silió Gallery
2014 2nd Casablanca International Biennial . Maroc
==External links==