2010 Napoli memoria e oblío. Instituto Cervantes. Nápoles, Italia

Those who know how to travel, that is to say, the ones who can abandon and return back on his, her steps, never loses. Nothing is lost when there is creation. Whoever knows how to create knows they must empty themselves, in order to give space to the creation. To empty one’s inside is the first exercise, the first phase in the apprenticeship of the magnificent art of creation. The blank sheet awaiting the drawing or the word, constantly reminds us that creation is a fight with emptiness. Things, creatures and their images were created Ex Nihilo.

Nadia Fusini-Londres.

Pilar Cossio: Naples studio

vicolo<br /> pilar cossio</p>

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Vicolo Sta. Anna di Pallazzo - atelier. NAPOLI
fatte le vostre città sotto il Vesubio...(F.N.)
fatte le vostre città sotto il Vesubio...(F.N.)
PILAR, studio: Vicolo Sta. Anna di Pallazzo . Napoli.
PILAR, studio: Vicolo Sta. Anna di Pallazzo . Napoli.

Exposición realizada con la colaboración del Gobierno de Cantabria. Consejería de Cultura, Turismo y Deporte.

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