The Logic of Expression in Deleuze’s Expressionism in Philosophy: Spinoza: A Strategy of Engagement
Résumé de Deleuze and Spinoza:
Expressionism, Deleuze s philosophical commentary on Spinoza, is a critically important work because its conclusions provide the foundations for Deleuze s later metaphysical speculations on the nature of power, the body, difference and singularities. Deleuze and Spinoza is the first book to examine Deleuze s philosophical assessment of Spinoza and appraise his arguments concerning the Absolute, the philosophy of mind, epistemology and moral and political philosophy. The author respects and disagrees with Deleuze the philosopher and suggests that his arguments not only lead to eliminativism and an Hobbesian politics but that they also cast a mystifying spell. philosophical commentary on Spinoza, is a critically important work because its conclusions provide the foundations for Deleuze’s later metaphysical speculations on the nature of power, the body, difference and singularities. Deleuze and Spinoza is the first book to examine Deleuze’s philosophical assessment of Spinoza and appraise his arguments concerning the Absolute, the philosophy of mind, epistemology and moral and political philosophy. The author respects and disagrees with Deleuze the philosopher and suggests that his arguments not only lead to eliminativism and an Hobbesian politics but that they also cast a mystifying spell.
Proprio lui mi piace. Spinoza.
Ed entrambi sono due compagni di viaggio insuperabili.
incominciammo …
«quel che ci accade è un bene…in tanto che proviene da noi stessi. Soltanto ciò che proviene dal di fuori è un male…»
il male allora è dovuto a cause esterne???
Mi sono addormentata con ciò…e ben altro:
«A differenza degli altri stoici, spinoza non si oppone a tutti i sentimenti: si oppone solo alle cosiddette passioni, cioè ai sentimenti che ci fanno apparire passivi e in potere di forze esterne…»